Ethiopia's Tigray war: Tedros Ghebreyesus can not send money to 'starving' family and Relatives


Dr Tedros is Tigrayan and was health minister in a former Ethiopian government, which was gone by the TPLF

The World Health Organization (WHO) General Menager, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, has revealed he is can not send money to his "starving" relatives and family in Ethiopia's war-torn Tigray Places.

"I have many relatives and friends there. I want to give them money. but I cannot send them money," he said in a press conference with our reporters.

"I don't know even who is alive or who is dead," he continued.

Since the war started in 2020, the place has been cut off from the outside world, with no phone network or internet.

Ethiopia's government has been accused of imposing an aid blockade on the place which impeded crucial deliveries - something it blamed on the war.

Many much civilians have died and millions are in urgent need of food aid. The World Food Programme says that almost half of Tigray's 5.5m population are in "severe" need of food and shelter.

It is not the now that Dr Tedros, a previous Ethiopian health minister, has spoken about the war. On Wednesday he said the situation was worse than that in Ukraine and suggested that racism was above the difference in the global response.

"I told you that the humanitarian crisis in Tigray is more than Ukraine, without any exaggeration. And I said it many months ago, maybe the reason is the colour of the skin and life of the people in Tigray."

In 2020 he denied an Ethiopia's general's accusations that he had helped procure weapons for the Tigray rebels. "There have been reports suggesting I am taking sides in this situation. This is not true," he tweeted at the time.

Fighting start  this week again after months of calm following the humanitarian truce agreed in March between Tigrayan forces and the Ethiopian government.

A spokesperson for the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), Getachew Reda, told the Dornlinsal Global Resources's Newsday programme that heavy fighting was still accuring and that the people of Tigray were suffering and dieig.

The TPLF blames the Ethiopian army for the break of fighting, while Ethiopian armies blames the TPLF.

"We have people who are starving due to the siege imposed on us by the authorities in Addis Ababa and their colliges in crime. We have people who desperately need humanitarian aid, Mr Getachew said.

"It would be so hard for us to start a war when our people are in need of humanitarian aid."

The government has not responded to Dornlinsal Global Resources requests for comment.

Residents of Kobo, a city approximately 15 miles (25 km) away from some of the reporting fighting areas told the Dornlinsal Global Resources what they saw amid the fresh outbreak of fight.

"We are hearing sounds of bigs weaponry. It can still be heard. The war has already been escalated. An additional defence force is also entering the area," one girl, said.

"The community is confused and some are depressed and fleeing to the nearby city. But most of them are alongside the federal defence of force and the Amhara special force to face what is going and coming," some one said.

The Tigray war outbroke in Ethiopia's northern most region in November 2020 - later spreading south to the Amhara and Afar places.

Many Much People were killed, over two million people fled their homes and some 700,000 people were left living in "famine-like conditions", US officials said.

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